For the past three years, we have tried ways and means to get Joann to poo poo into her potty but she adamantly refused. She was very determined - Whenever we tried to train her, she would go on a "poo poo" strike - she could "control" her bowel movement and would not poo for 3 to 4 days. As a result, we had always given in, worried that her health would be affected. This time, however, we decided that enough was enough.We hardened our hearts and decided to strike again, praying hard that we would be able to outlast her determination should she go on another "poo poo" strike. By hook or by crook, we HAD to get her off her diapers this time. Jayden is already off his diapers!!!
Yesterday was Joann's 5th day into her "poo poo" strike and she was increasingly lethargic and hot tempered due to her "choked system". My mum-in-law and I decided to end her strike. My mother-in-law brought her to the toilet and held her captive on top of the toilet bowl as she kicked up a BIG storm. Meanwhile, I stood guard outside the toilet door with a cane. Yes, she refused to succumb to pressure and cried so badly that gong gong was so heart-broken and stormed out of the house in anger. Undaunted, my mum-in-law held her in position firmly and assured her that she could do it. Looking at her, I simply could not fathom why anyone would resist the potty / toilet bowl with such intensity!
We "wrestled" with her for at least half an hour and honestly, there were moments we felt like giving up as it pained our hearts to hear her crying badly. I prayed to the Lord for that breakthrough as I waited.
After about half an hour, she FINALLY POO into her potty! The ordeal was finally over! She broke into a smile. It was a smile that spoke of relief and triumph! The moment had finally come for many of us to fulfill our promises to her! We had promised to buy her story books and toys if she could poo into her potty.
Last night, we went to MacDonald's and marked her passage to "adulthood" with a mini celebration. This could possibly be one of the highlights of 2008 for our family!Well done, Jo!