Friday, January 2, 2009

Jayden's 1st Day in LSK

Finally, the day comes for Jayden to join her sister in school! Aileen and I are excited for Jayden as he reaches another milestone of his life - schooling! He is in pre-nursery and as for Joann, she is now in K1 :-) Time really flies!

Aileen and I have been praying that Jayden will be inducted smoothly into LSK, like her sister (i.e. no refusal to get up the school bus, no crying in school, etc).

This morning started with him throwing a small tantrum and not wanting to change into his school uniform :-( Thank God for a quick idea - I told him that I would make a race with him, with him in the school bus while I would "run" to school :-P He was excited and happily boarded the bus with her sister.

I won the race :-P (the bus diverted to pick up other kids at another street while I take shortcut to school).

From there, I also "set-up" a live sms broadcast to Aileen & my in-law on Jayden's status :-)

The school was packed with anxious parents whose children would be in school for the 1st time. Ha, being "experienced" now, I hid myself from Jayden, peeking from a distance to see whether he could follow the teacher into the assembly hall and classroom. Thankful to God that he didn't need me to jump in to help him settle in, though he spotted me somehow after 1 hour. He just waved at me and continued with his activities.

Throughout the short 2 hours in school (3 hours after induction week), I could see that he was comfortable with the environment, teachers and new friends as he participated in the sing-along, played his toys with his new classmates, listened to stories, followed instructions to toilet, took his morning snack, hi-5 with his teacher and sister (they met each other during the toilet break).

Will be following him to school on coming Mon and Tue again. Well done, my boy! Also thanks to Joann for being a great sister by watching out for him :-)

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