Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Joann's First Day at PLMGS (Primary)

The day has finally come! Since the start of Dec 10, Aileen and I have been progressively preparing for Joann's entry into primary school - getting her school uniform, textbooks, stationary, school bag, coin pouch ready as well as preparing her psychologically for the big school (as compared to kindergarten). We can see that she is excited about her new school too! 

Meanwhile for Jayden, he is entering K1 in Faithland 1, Living Sanctuary Kindergarten. He is in morning session while his older sister is in afternoon session. He is going to miss her BIG time - no one to play with him in the afternoon like before and his Jie Jie is going to be busier in school :-P

Jayden ready for school!

Joann looks so lovely in her new school uniform... hehe :-)
Look how much she has grown... Still remember the time when she was born...
Ordered this bag (with her name embroidered) from like 2 years ago. Finally she is tall enough to carry it.

Joann, together with the other P1 pupils, was led to the main hall after arriving in school. With some free time before the talks organised by the school, I took the opportunity to walk around the school premises.

Useful talks organised by PLMGS (Pri), for parents

Anxious parents waiting for their children's canteen break at 3pm (I'm one of them).

Each P1 girl is accompanied by a P5 girl during this period of orientation. There were so many pupils in the canteen that some parents had trouble locating their children even if there were designated areas for each class. Can you spot Joann?

The best picture of Joann, I took during the canteen break (after some simple editing)... Wishing that I have better zoom len.

Joann preparing to return to classroom after canteen break.

Supportive parents in action!

As a whole, Joann enjoyed her first day in school and made some new friends (she has some friends from LSK with her in the same class too). Praying that she will have an enjoyable 6 years in PLMGS (Primary) :-)

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